SBM Offshore Brings Back Imodco Brand

日期:2014-10-20 22:17:46
calm buoy sbm offshore

CALM Buoy, image (c) SBM Offshore

Monoco-based single point mooring and offshore engineering specialist SBM Offshore is bringing back their Imodco brand under which their CALM (Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring) Terminal business will now reside.  This business will consist of two new entities, Imodco Terminals S.A. and Imodco Services S.A.

CALM terminals are a system pioneered by SBM Offshore over 50 years ago and consist of a large floating buoy anchored to the seabed by catenary chain legs which are secured to anchors or piles. One or more elastic mooring hawsers hold the tanker captive to a turntable which is mounted on top of the buoy by means of a slewing bearing. It is the most popular and widely-used type of offshore loading terminal with more than 500 systems installed to date, according to SBM Offshore.

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